Cost Estimate
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Cost Estimate

Get a cost estimate on financing your tattoo removal or lightening.
Getting a Cost Estimate may be done 24/7 through our automated form. To help you get a close price on the tattoo you would like to remove or lighten, please provide us with the following information, and send us a clear photograph of your tattoo.
Instructions: Please complete the form below and hit send. Then send us a photograph your tattoo with a ruler (for large tattoos) or a quarter (for smaller tattoos) next to it. This will give us a better idea of the overall size and color coverage of your tattoo. Please make sure that the final photo is well lit and sharp. Send your photograph to [email protected].
You will receive a call back within 24 hours. If your form is submitted over the weekend it will be responded to in the order it was received the following Monday.

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