FotoFacial Skin Rejuvenation
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FotoFacial Skin Rejuvenation

Photo rejuvenation, fotofacial, photofacial and IPL – all of these terms describe what is formally known as Intense Pulse Light treatments.

Fotofacial treatments can be performed in our office. It’s a non-invasive alternative for a variety of skin treatments used for conditions on the chest, face, hands and neck, including:

– Sun damage
– Rosacea
– Broken capillaries
– Age & brown spots
– Freckles
– Red or ruddy skin

While IPL might seem like another kind of laser treatment, it’s not – the difference is in the amount of wavelengths the IPL wand emits to the targeted zone, widening the area that can be treated.

Fotofacials are safe treatment programs that can be customized to suit your needs and schedule.

Come in for a consultation and discuss if IPL treatments are right for you!

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